Wellness Care


Comprehensive Wellness Care for Your Pet

At Animal Care Clinic, we believe in proactive pet care through regular wellness exams. Detecting health issues early can significantly improve outcomes and quality of life for your beloved companion.

What to Expect During Your Pet’s Wellness Exam:

  1. Check-In Process
    • Our friendly receptionist will ensure your pet’s information is up-to-date and record their current weight.
  2. History and Vital Signs
    • A Veterinary Assistant or Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) will discuss any concerns or changes in your pet’s health. Vital signs such as temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate will be taken.
  3. Comprehensive Examination by the Veterinarian
    • Our veterinarian performs a thorough head-to-tail examination, focusing on:
      • Head: Mouth, eyes, ears, skin, and lymph nodes.
      • Chest: Heart, lungs, checks for lumps, bumps, and skin abnormalities.
      • Abdomen: Palpation for organ abnormalities and signs of discomfort.
      • Legs: Check pulses, range of motion, and signs of pain or discomfort.
      • Rectal Exam: As necessary for comprehensive assessment.
  4. Additional Diagnostic Testing and Preventative Care:
    • We recommend bringing a fresh fecal sample to each appointment for intestinal parasite screening.
    • Yearly heartworm testing and annual blood work may be performed after the examination to monitor your pet’s health.

Why Regular Wellness Exams Matter:

  • Early Detection: Identifying health issues before they become serious can save on costly treatments and improve your pet’s prognosis.
  • Customized Care: Each exam is tailored to your pet’s individual needs, ensuring comprehensive care from nose to tail.
  • Client Involvement: We encourage you to ask questions and be involved in your pet’s healthcare journey. Your participation is invaluable in maintaining their well-being.
veterinarian with animals in lincoln
Beige Blob

Schedule Your Pet’s Appointment Today!

Online appointment requests must be made a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the requested appointment time.

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